10 most common lifestyle disorders plaguing the world
In the constantly changing and rapidly evolving world, lifestyles and patterns of living have been witnessing major shifts. While some such shifts have been beneficial, a majority of them have been scientifically proven hazardous. And these negative changes give rise to the ever increasing lifestyle disorders currently affecting individuals throughout the globe. Let’s take a closer look at the most common ones.
What are lifestyle disorders/diseases?
In a common man’s language, a lifestyle disorder may be referred to as a condition disrupting the normal functioning of the human body which is caused by unhealthy life choices and practices. These may include poor functioning of the stomach, liver or any other organs, bad body posture, poor dental hygiene, excessive hormonal fluctuations causing dermatological issues etc.
Therefore, a lifestyle disease is connected directly to a poor and unhealthy way of living or neglecting one’s lifestyle. Although these are non-communicable diseases (NCD), however submitting to a wrong lifestyle and engaging in unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, lack of proper sleep, depriving the body of correct nutrition etc can cause a human being to suffer from a lifestyle disorder for all his life, having serious health complications consequently.
What causes lifestyle disorders?
While there isn’t a particular cause one can pin-point for lifestyle disorders to affect a body, there are however a myriad of general unhealthy practices that combined together give rise to lifestyle disorders that get prolonged for life as serious health issues. Some of these causes may include-
- Dehydration – Muscles and tendons dehydration is the foremost cause of muscle strain, fatigue, and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
- Poor physical fitness – The primary reason for cardiovascular diseases and other lifestyle disorders is due to poor physical fitness. There is a direct relationship between reduced chronic levels of physical fitness and an increased chance of chronic diseases globally.
- Fatigue – Another major cause of a lifestyle disorder is lack of sleep. It is associated with different medical complications such as stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, and mental impairment.
- Malnutrition – The deficiency of adequate nutrition in our diet and the overconsumption of food leads to several chronic disorders.
- Stress – Uncontrolled stress at the workplace or home is one of the most prominent causes of lifestyle diseases. It may affect one’s health severely, thereby resulting in heart-related disorders.
At a global level, all these factors are playing a major role in making lifestyle diseases a common occurrence in not only the developed but also the developing and under-developed countries. Hazardous consequences of not taking sufficient care of one’s ways of living can prove to be fatal in the long run by causing serious health issues for generations to come, thereby endangering not just one but many members of a family line.
While many commonly occurring lifestyle disorders like fluctuating blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, breathing issues, diabetes, hypertension etc exist and have been increasing rampantly throughout the world, let’s take a look at some of the most common ones plaguing not only populations worldwide but also closer to home aka UAE.
Lifestyle disorders and the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has developed into one of the world’s wealthiest and most modern countries, its success accompanied by the rise in noncommunicable diseases.
Noncommunicable diseases account for 76 percent of deaths in the UAE, and in recent years the country has seen a rapid increase in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Statistics show that diabetes is not only restricted to highly developed countries, but is now becoming a global epidemic. Saudi Arabia has the highest rate among emerging markets, with diabetes affecting more than 20 percent of the population. In the UAE, 2017 data from the International Diabetes Federation revealed that more than 17 percent of the population between the ages of 20 and 79 have type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the prevalence of diabetes in the UAE is rising at a faster rate than both the surrounding region and the rest of the world due to rapid economic growth, sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets. The number of people with diabetes is expected to double to 2.2 million by 2040.
Obesity is hitting the UAE hardest of countries recently analysed by the World Health Organization, and its obesity rates are double the global average, with up to 37 percent of adults having a body mass index of more than 30, the threshold for being considered obese. A study conducted by Zayed Military Hospital found that an alarming 70 percent of Emirati men under age 29 were considered overweight or obese. Many experts suggest that sedentary lifestyles and high-calorie processed foods are to blame for the spike in obesity.
On the 23rd October 2019 in Dubai, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) signed an agreement with Novo Nordisk Gulf for a collaboration aiming to facilitate innovation in obesity treatment, digitalise patient health through smart apps, sponsor research and training, and organise awareness campaigns. MOHAP has set the aggressive goal of expanding innovation in line with international protocols to fight obesity and has already launched projects in the field, including opening an electronic care unit for bariatric surgery patients, conducting clinical research, and establishing a database to follow up on bariatric surgery patients. In addition, MOHAP has developed excellence centres for obesity treatment which include the introduction of tailored diets, and also launched the so-called “MA’KOM for Active Life” project at its headquarters, in which adults are encouraged to engage in physical activity each day.
Other agencies are also stepping forward to combat noncommunicable diseases. Recently the Dubai Health Authority launched what it calls a ‘Lifestyle Clinic’ to provide preventive, community-based healthcare services which will include family medicine, dietary services, and psychological care for people at risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, with the aim of changing unhealthy behaviours.
Furthermore, the country’s health system has implemented routine diabetes screening in primary care centres, and the government has taken the initiative to raise taxes on cigarettes and sugar-sweetened beverages, the revenues then being invested in expanding access to screening and treatment.
Most common lifestyle disorders
People tend to become obese when their body mass index (BMI) is higher than 25. One experiences obesity due to a stressful lifestyle, unhygienic and unhealthy eating habits, reduced physical activity, and more. Overweight people suffer from blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, breathing issues, and diabetes. Obesity is a primary disorder that leads to other chronic diseases in a human being. Excessive consumption of junk and fried food, too much sweet intake and a lethargic lifestyle with little or no physical exercise leads to obesity which can prove life-threatening physically and menatlly giving rise to anxiety, depression etc. if you feel the symptoms of obesity setting in, you should consult a doctor for guidance. We at HMC provide in-depth family care services covering a wide range of lifestyle disorders and their prevention- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/services/family-medicine/
High Blood Pressure, also known as HBP and hypertension, is a long-term lifestyle disorder that results in critical health complications such as heart disease, stroke, etc. When the reading is 140/90 or higher in the BP machine, it means the blood pressure is high. Some of the common reasons for HBP are genetic factors, stress, unhealthy eating habits, and obesity. Professional and personal stress at the workplace or home results in overworking the body’s physical and mental capacities thereby causing hypertension and heart issues. These can prove fatal and if one experiences these symptoms like shooting of BP, breathlessness etc it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. At HMC, we believe in investing in health and our family care department has specialised doctors looking into such chronic conditions regularly- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/services/family-medicine/
Heart / Cardio-vascular diseases
Cardiovascular disease (CVD), also known as heart disease, refers to the heart conditions that involve blocked blood vessels and blot clots. It is a severe chronic disease, and the abnormalities and irregularities in blood vessel walls and heart muscles are due to the following: diabetes, smoking, and high cholesterol, which are all indicators of poor lifestyle choices and food habits. The heart is the most important life supporting organ of the body and it is essential to maintain its functioning well for overall good physical and mental health. We have internationally trained medical professionals at HMC, who diagnose and help prevent the onset of such conditions at an early stage, whom you can consult incase of any heart ailment- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/services/family-medicine/
Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease caused due to the swelling and narrowing of airways. It is a common chronic disorder that results in prolonged coughing, breath shortness, chest tightness, and wheezing. Owing to excessive pollution and environmental degradation, travelling in such exhaustive atmospheres can cause the onset of asthma early on among people, especially the youth. Incase of observation of any such relatable symptom, one should visit the doctor immediately. You could book an online consultation with us to help you prevent any such chronic lifestyle disorder- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/services/family-medicine/
Diabetes is a situation that weakens the body’s capacity to process blood sugar levels. The high levels of blood sugar are a result of decreased insulin production and action. During the old times, it was connected to “sweet urine” (impaired insulin function will lead to excess sugar levels in urine) and heavy muscle loss. In general, sugar levels in blood are managed by a hormone called insulin produced by the pancreas. When the blood sugar rises after taking food, insulin gets released from the pancreas to neutralize by enhancing the absorption of glucose by body cells. Diabetes is a chronic lifestyle disease and is reversible. The most frequent types of diabetes are, Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) – Insulin-Dependent, also called juvenile diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) – Non-Insulin-Dependent. Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), also called non-insulin-dependent, is the most commonly found among all the types characterized with elevated blood sugar levels. Decreased response to insulin by the body will lead to T2D. In people who are resistant to insulin, the body slowly fails to react to the insulin and results in high blood glucose levels. Diabetes while extremely dangerous is also reversible and with a controlled healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition intake it can be controlled. To know more and prevent the early onset of diabetes you can visit our specialized endocrinologist at- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/services/endocrinology/
Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive brain disorder that leads to problems in thinking and memory. Alzheimer’s is a primary cause of dementia among older adults that deals with cognitive functioning, behavioral abilities, and memory loss. In the United States, Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th most important cause of death. Some of the major features of Alzheimer’s disease are tangles and plaques in the brain.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and obstructed airflow from the lungs. The symptoms of COPD are long-term breathing problems, chronic cough with mucus, wheezing, and more. The most common causes of COPD are tobacco smoking, genetics, and environmental factors such as pollution and gas leaks.
Cancer is a group of malignant diseases that involves the irregular growth and spread of abnormal cells to various parts of the body. The immunity of one’s body gets reduced due to the following: prolonged cough, smoking, stress, abnormalities in weight loss, defecation, etc. Through proper vaccination, medication, and dietary recommendations, there is a possibility to overcome cancer risks.
Osteoporosis is a lifestyle disorder caused due to the lack of estrogen hormones in women and androgen hormones in men. It is a bone-weakening disease that is common in India, with more than 10 million cases per year. Bone density decreases, thereby affecting bone strength and structure. With porous bone, there is an increased risk of fracture. With proper dieting and regular medications, people can avoid osteoporosis.
Arteriosclerosis is the thickening and hardening of arterial blood vessel walls. There is a loss of elasticity in the walls of arteries, thus resulting in chest pain, blood circulation disorders, and heart attacks. The major causes of this disease are smoking, high blood pressure, etc.
How to prevent lifestyle disorders
Here are some simple tips and measures to prevent lifestyle diseases :
-Drink plenty of water every day
-Avoid soft drinks and junk foods as they might cause acidity
-Eat more green vegetables, dry fruits, and calcium-rich grains
-Eliminate the consumption of oily and fatty foods
-Practice different forms to physical activity and workouts to maintain the immune system active
-Sleep adequately to keep a refreshed mind
-Burn some calories daily and do not skip meals
-Stay away from smoking and alcohol
-Take care of your health properly
By following these simple yet extremely effective precautions one can reduce the risk of life threatening lifestyle disorders considerably. It is important to always be in-tune with your body and engage in activities and lifestyle practices that help maintain a healthy body and mind.
To consult with our specialists or book an appointment with us, you can visit us at- https://www.hmcmedicalcenter.com/contact-us/